Leisurely Hours to be with the Lord
The greatest invitation of our lives is to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to know how high and deep and wide his love is for us...knowledge, which as Paul writes,
"surpasses knowledge" (Eph. 3:18).
Online Retreat Resources
I’ve created a variety of short video segments that can be used at home or at the park as part of a personal retreat. I’ve also paired some of these videos with worship music videos on playlists. You can find a comprehensive list of online resources (videos, music, print information) for personal retreats at www.newim.org/online-retreat.
In-Person Retreats
Contemplative retreats are different from typical womens retreats in that they are not for the purpose of being with our friends and deepening our connection to them, but being with the Lord and deepening our love for Him. So instead of fellowship times, there are hours dedicated to silence and solitude so that we can contemplate the goodness of His character, ponder the mysteries of His love, and pursue those spiritual activities that draw us closer to Him.
Journaling, prayer and reflection are essential spiritual practices that most find helpful while on a contemplative retreat.
The Springs Retreat, sponsored by the Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry (NEWIM.org), is for evangelical Christian women who are leaders in their churches and parachurch ministries. It is designed with 3 Tracks, so if you would like us to lead you through a private contemplative retreat - you can sign up for Track 1. If you are familiar with contemplative retreats, and would like to learn about a particular spiritual activity (like developing a Rule of Life, or Lectio Divina, or prayer of examen) while at the retreat - you can sign up for Track 2. And, if you would like to design your own retreat and just join us for meals - you can sign up for Track 3.