Computer or Blank Book?
Computer or a blank book?
Some people love to journal in an inexpensive spiral bound notebook. Others like to keep a journal on their computer or tablet. My husband has an app on his iPad so that he can use a stylus and hand-write his reflections. He likes that it's stored electronically and searchable. I like a blank book and a pen.
I think I like pen and paper simply because it works best for me. My computer is where I work and there are lots of distractions when I'm on my computer. I also type more words per minute than I can write by hand, and the slowness of handwriting gives me important time to think between words. And in some way, pen and paper engages the creative side of my brain which I find helpful.
What kind of a blank book?
I have used all kinds of blank books, but for the last fifteen years, I've been sold on PaperBlanks Journals. I like having archival quality paper so that the ink won't fade over time. I like the feel of the paper and the way the book lays flat on the table. I like having ribbon markers and a pocket in the back. And I especially like their journals with Christian cover designs. But these are just my preferences.
There isn't a right way. See what works for you.
“When David Livingstone ran out of notebooks, he sewed ancient newspapers together and wrote across the type in ink made from tree juices.”